We are all motivated to make a difference for employee well-being and work diligently with high spirits, banter, and a lot of tea, coffee, eggs, and cake Friday feinschmecker bar is both Thursday and Friday (just in case!)
Per Spiegal Johansen
CEO & Partner
“My many years of experience in my work within HR with leadership and employee development have confirmed the need for a single digital platform that serves HR and promotes employee well-being from on-boarding, company culture, and communication to career development and out-placement. We are here to stay!”
Christian Gravgaard
CTO & Partner
“With my many years of experience in servicing companies across various industries with IT solutions, I understand how crucial it is to prioritize employee well-being. It is my passion to create a user-friendly platform that, among other things, supports HR in the quick and easy administration of pulse well-being surveys.”
“I am very social, have a quick laugh, and am always positive. I love meeting new people to introduce our HR tool so I can contribute to making a huge difference for your employees.”
“My motivation as a well-being consultant originates from the desire and ability to enhance people’s well-being and business success. I am passionate about creating positive change.”
Janet Spiegal Johansen
“It is important for me to promote understanding and utilization of our well-being measurement product through texts and storytelling. I personally thrive on being able to make a difference.”